Free Wolfram Alpha
Step-by-step Solution

Wolfree bypasses paywalls and shares step-by-step solutions. (It's like Sci-Hub, but Sci-Hub shares scholarly literature.) Wolfree is free and open-source.

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How to use

For example, if y'=y is the math problem,

  1. Type y'=y in the text box above.
  2. Click the blue "Show Steps" button.
  3. Read the step-by-step solutions.

If something goes wrong, try other mirror sites.


See the list of mirrors for details. Try other mirrors when the Internet service providers have broken the Internet connection to this site.


The Wolfree community on the Fediverse may post Web addresses of new mirror sites. Try the new mirrors when the Internet service providers have broken the Internet connection to the older mirrors.

If your Internet service providers have broken the Internet connection to the Fediverse, install Tor Browser to circumvent censorship.


Microsoft GitHub is unreliable due to the DMCA. Internet hosting services compatible with the Fediverse, such as ForgeFed and Gitea, are much more reliable than Microsoft GitHub. You can find the source code on the following Gitea servers.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


See some DMCA takedown notices from Wolfram Alpha LLC.

How it works

Internet service providers, Web hosting service providers, the website operators of the Wolfree mirror sites, and the programmers of the Wolfree Dockerfile can help you get Wolfram Alpha Pro step-by-step solutions for free. Here's how:

  1. The programmers of the Wolfree Dockerfile distribute the source code on the Fediverse, such as ForgeFed and Gitea.
  2. The website operators of the Wolfree mirror sites download the Wolfree Dockerfile from the Fediverse.
  3. Docker Engine reads the Wolfree Dockerfile and automatically configures the Web servers.
  4. Some Web hosting service providers run many Web servers and deploy the Wolfree mirror sites.
  5. Enough Internet service providers cooperate, so your Web browser can connect to the Wolfree mirror sites.
  6. You successfully read Wolfram Alpha Pro step-by-step solutions for free.


Get step-by-step answers and hints for your math homework problems. Learn the basics, check your work, and gain insight into ways to solve problems.

Use step-by-step calculators for chemistry, calculus, algebra, trigonometry, and equation solving. Gain more understanding of your homework with steps and hints guiding you from problems to answers.

The Wolfree mirror sites not only give you the answers you're looking for but also help you learn how to solve problems. The Wolfree mirror sites leverage the Wolfram Language to allow free-form linguistic input of computations and programs.

The Wolfree mirror sites bring extensive data and computation capabilities derived from the Wolfram knowledgebase and curated data. The Wolfree mirror sites integrate interactive and programmatic access to the full power of the Wolfram Alpha computational knowledge engine.


See the acknowledgment page for details.